We finally left Moreton Bay and ventured back out into the Pacific Ocean for the first time since we entered quarantine in the middle of November. The wind was either against us or non-existent but we managed to reach Mooloolaba in time to cross the river bar at high tide. We then sailed up the Mooloola River, amazed at the huge fishing fleet to the right and homes of the rich on the left. Despite the river being strewn with anchored boats, we found a spot and dropped anchor.
Next we launched the dinghy to visit Estelle, a lovely lady to whom we had been recommended by her son. She was between appointments but found time for a quick drink and a talk. We agreed to meet the next morning when she had a few hours between two engagements.

One doesn’t discuss a lady’s age so it is enough to mention that Estelle’s son is as old as Heidi. BUT that doesn’t stop her driving a shiny red Ford Mustang convertible and neither does it stop her beating EVERY other car at EVERY traffic light while smiling sweetly. The car is responsive and the driver experienced so the highway and the curvy mountain roads were quickly behind us and we reached the Kondalilla National Park. Estelle pointed us in the correct direction and we walked through the virgin forest to the Kondalilla Falls.

The forest was shady, the view was expansive and the waterfall was impressive. Just another slice of amazing Australia.
Back at the car we headed for a cafe and then Estelle showed us another way home with stunning views across the countryside and the ocean. She dropped us off back at the dinghy before speeding off to her next “date”.
In 25 years, I want to be like Estelle!