Sometimes we are in mobile phone range. Sometimes we are not. The best way to reach us – often the only way – is via E-mail.
boat@buruwang.org will usually find us, but please bear in mind that we are often away from Internet connectivity for extended periods so please, do not expect an immediate answer. We will answer once we receive you message.
heidi@buruwang.org and neill@buruwang.org are our individual addresses.
We have a German telephone number +49 8365 4539986 which is routed to us when we have internet. Otherwise leave a message and we will get it when we return to civilization.
If you REALLY feel the need to send us a letter by post (or have it delivered by a courier on horseback) then you can send it to us
c/o Barbara Ettensperger
Brosis-Ellegg 11,
87549 Rettenberg
but please be aware it will be scanned and sent on to us as a pdf so you might as well save the time, money and effort and send us a pdf.