Eating on the streets

Here in Santa Marta, there are stalls on the pavements selling everything and that includes great food. Therefore this evening we went out for dinner.

We walked up past the large police station and found some one selling something that smelt nice. We ordered a bag of five for $1000. We still don’t know what it was but it managed to be sweet and spicy at once and tasted great.

Once we reached the big crossroads we really went to town. We started with an Empanada which we knew from Curaçao. That set us back another $2000 as we ordered it with a drink. Next we crossed the road and bought a hot-dog for $2000. Demand was high so we were given two plastic stools to sit on and watch the nightlife until it was ready. After that we went to our favorite seller of “hot cheesy things grilled between leaves”. Another €2500 but worth every cent.

Santa Marta by night

By now we were stuffed but splashed out $4500 for an ice cream at a mini McDonalds in the supermarket.

Back on the boat we finished the evening with a rum punch and now we feel round, fat and satisfied.

The total bill was 12000 Peso so €3.14. As Heidi rightly pointed out, you can’t cook food for that price.

3 thoughts on “Eating on the streets”

    1. Hello Caroline. The nice thing about this journey is meeting new people. The other great thing is tasting new food.

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