
Tobermory is the capital of the Isle of Mull and probably most famous for having a high street on the seafront where every house is a different colour. For us it was our last chance to get everything fixed before we sailed off to the Hebrides.

The marina is a community project and very laid back and friendly. We spent three evenings on a mooring and during the day moved to a hammerhead pontoon to work on the boat and so kept the costs down.

The town has a superbly stocked chandlery which we visited regularly. They even had a new fresh water pump which we managed to fit so that we once again had tap water without hitting the pump with a hammer. They also had a “got to have” item – a waterproof tablet holder.

new water pump awaiting installation
new water pump awaiting installation

What the chandlery didn’t have, the ironmongers had. Strangely they also sold alcohol.

The garage in town knew about marine diesels so they came and identified our leak as a slow diesel leak. So slow that we can’t find it.

The co-op allowed us to stock up our rations and the bakery sold delicious calorie bombs which we had to try.

And it rained more than it didn’t.

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