Bermagui Biking

Artemis is attached to a pontoon at Bermagui so it was easy to get the bikes on land and assembled. Only two hours after getting out of bed, we were off exploring the area around Bermagui.

We cycled about 35 km and climbed about 650 meters. Just another average bike ride. But it wasn’t.

We rode along the rocky Pacific coast and watched the whales offshore as they migrated north to give birth in warmer waters. We saw seals playing among the rocks and waves. We cycled past archaeological remains of a 40 000 year old culture. At the beach there were surfers out among the waves and a surfer explained the importance of waiting for a “set” to surf.

We cycled through a eucalyptus forest and surprised kangaroos, wallabies and a black snake sunning next to the track. The snake surprised Heidi but it was Heidi’s scream that frightened Neill.

Not our snake but a relative (photo by Donald Hobern)

We enjoyed 6.5 km of single trails in the Bermagui Mountainbike Park.

We visited a full size salt water swimming pool which is kept topped up by the waves off the Pacific and finished with the biggest hamburger and largest portion of chips that we could buy.

Our route is at Alltrails.

The local real estate company – Marshall + Tacheci – has put together a stunning video of the area which is well worth a watch.

At about 0.15. you can see where we anchored the first night and the marina we cycled from is shown at 0:28.

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