Getting Shipshape

Before we left Artemis in March, we cleaned everything and were really happy when we opened the hatch and found all that clean woodwork waiting for us. Over the next week and a half we ground all the old anti-fouling and epoxy off the hull in a dusty boat yard. We then applied new epoxy to the hull and covered that with four coats of Coppercoat during a non-stop six hour painting marathon.

Two weeks work

After all that, the boat was no longer so clean.

We launched on a Friday morning. Nothing leaked and it was beautiful to finally be a boat with the gentle rocking we know after four years at sea. In the marina we had unlimited water so could seriously clean the deck, cockpit and all the fittings. We then spent three days masking everything up and repainting the deck with anti-slip. Hard work but worth it.

Three days work

We have also started to change all the internal lights to new LED systems and begun the major “change all eight windows” project that has been planned since Polynesia. We are definitely back in boating life and dreaming of “heading off up the river” at the end of this week.

There are a number of other cruisers in the marina. Many coastal sailors and a few ocean sailors. We all meet up on a Friday night for a marina sponsored barbecue, swap stories and receive invitations to “pop in” for a visit when you pass. Australians are so friendly.

Stop press: During all the painting, my very best, most favorite, work trousers ripped again and looked like they were finally dead. But Heidi saved them and I now have a really fashionable yellow rip. Impressive or what?

4 thoughts on “Getting Shipshape”

    1. Hello Caroline.
      we have no idea. Every time we make a plan, it all happens differently.
      But probably in Tasmania

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