Caribbean music

We have been sailing around the Caribbean Sea since January. In those nine months we have taken a lot of photos, met many people and collected plenty of memories. Some of those memories are forever linked to songs. Here is a selection.

One way wind

We climbed to the summit of the island of Bequia to enjoy the view north to St. Vincent. At the top the wind was blowing from the East – as it always does here where the trade-winds blow. The tree at the top could have been the one in this song.

All of me

This song by Jah Cure was playing in a bar in the Grenadines. The barman was impressed that we knew all the words to sing along.

Everything’s Gonna Be Alright

This is the song we sing when things “could be going better” but also the song that reminds us of Antigua. We were cycling up a hill and a market stall was playing this full volume. We adjusted our speed to sync with the music and started singing. The market seller joined in. Great memories.

96 degrees in the shade

THE Aruba song. We first heard it in a bar and after that we sang it as we cycled through the burning heat of Aruba in August. “Real hot!” was so appropriate.

The gypsy Rover

We have been singing this since Ireland. A lady leaves everything to follow her love. Always seems appropriate.

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