Having reached Chichester and spent a fun and productive week with my sister it was now time to head further South. We began by using the tide to sail back through the Solent to Yarmouth where we anchored just before dark to wait for the next mornings tide. We anchored just outside a tidal rip and Max, after many nights of bad anchoring experience in Australia, was very unhappy and threatened to stay up to watch the tide turn at 02:00. We know our Rocna and we all slept well (even Max) to find the yacht still at anchor the next morning.
When you cross the Channel you have to take account of the tides which begin by pushing you one way and then the other. I had fun adding up the tides for each hour of our crossing and then adding an offset to arrive up tide of Cherbourg.
To begin with there was no wind so we motored and Neill slept leaving Heidi and Max (our new crew member) to avoid the large vessels that populate this busy sea route. Max had his drone on-board and was willing to risk a start (and landing) while out at sea which resulted in this spectacular video.
By mid channel we were well off the “direct route” having drifted with the tide as expected. The trick here is to keep your cool and believe that on the second part of the journey you are going to be pushed back on to course.
Later the wind came up and we were able to sail our planned course. As France came in to view we received the confirmation that we were going to take the tide straight in to Cherbourg harbour. I love it when a plan works out and the wind and tides take you where you want to go.
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