It is now two months since we last wrote a blog and back then life was “exciting!” Sorry. Sometime life goes faster than we can write. So here is my attempt to summarize two months in one page.

Escaped the Great Sandy Strait and made it to Bundaberg. In the Burnett river we survived the worst thunder storm we have ever seen and heard. The gods were definitely having an amazing party that night.
In the Bundaberg Port Marina we prepared Artemis for six months on land without us and made some new friends. We finally fixed the wind-vane and the local sail-maker repaired our sails and other canvas. Artemis is now stood in the yard drying out.
Caught a train to Brisbane which didn’t make it as a huge sinkhole opened under the track ahead of us. Transferred to a bus. Spent two great days in Cleveland …

… and then flew to Singapore, Frankfurt (avoiding Russia & the Ukraine) and Munich. Reached Allgäu after about 36 hours of travel!
Heidi is working at “her” doctors practice since two weeks ago and Neill starts his new job at an accountants office on Tuesday. The bikes are being well used and we are enjoying meeting so many old friends – including the crew of Sybo who stopped by for three days – and making new ones.