
Karma … is a concept of action, work or deed, and its effect or consequences.


Luckily we met Ivan and Anne in Tasmania. And, luckily, they introduced us to John and De. And luckily John told us that we should sail up the coast from Eden and contact their friend Gordon for a berth in the marina at Bermagui.

We sailed all day but arrived off Bermagui just before the sun set. Rather than attempt the entrance in to the port, we decided to anchor in the beautiful Horseshoe Bay for the night. After we cooked the evening meal we could both smell gas which is more or less the last thing that you want to smell on a boat. Immediately you start to see pictures like this with yourself in the starring role.

We closed the gas tap and checked Google for the nearest gas fitter. There was no one listed in town so we decided to ask in the harbour the next day.

The following day we tied up at Gordon’s marina and walked around the harbour. Sat at the chip shop was a man with “Adam Prentice – plumber and gas fitter” written on his jacket. I noticed but thought he may be on holiday here or in a sports team sponsored by the firm. A little further on I saw a van with the same name on the side as on the guys jacket. I returned to the chip shop and asked “Are you a gas fitter?” He confirmed that he was indeed and lived locally. I explained the problem and he promised to visit us that afternoon.

Adam came over and looked at the problem. Because this is Australia, the boat is British and everything gassy is incompatible, he had to go home and build a pressure test adapter. The next morning he was back and confirmed a leak in the gas oven. He took the front plate off and found a loose screw that he tightened and the tester held its pressure. A cup of coffee later the pressure was still holding. We were saved!

Adam doesn’t advertise as he has more than enough work without doing so. And he told us that it was a once off that he stopped at the chip shop for some lunch. Some days you just have to have good Karma.

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